About Us
Tabernacle Baptist Church exists to glorify God as we love Him and others, as we grow into the image of Christ, and as we serve the body of Christ, our community and the world.

Our Story
Love God and Others
Jesus said these are the two greatest commandments of all. Thus, they should be of utmost importance to us. This is not a love we can achieve on our own. We can only know what love is because God has first loved us, and as such, He must be the supreme object of our love. And then, our love is to be directed toward those around us so they too can be pointed to Christ. Our regular study of God’s Word helps us to know God more deeply which should result in deeper awe and love for Him. Our corporate gatherings allow us to know each other more fully and thereby love each other more.
Grow in Grace
God’s goal is for His people to be ever changing, becoming more and more like His sinless Son and less and less like their sinful selves. It takes the Spirit of God applying the Word of God to the hearts of the people of God for growth in grace to take place. This happens in the multitude of daily circumstances of life, and the local body of Christ is an invaluable source of encouragement, help, and accountability for this growth to happen. Growth in grace is a vital indicator of those who are truly part of the family of God.
Serve the World
In a culture that looks to be served by others, Jesus tells us to follow His example by serving others. In a seeming paradox, He says the one who desires to be great must be a servant. Perhaps the greatest way to impact another individual’s life is to serve them. Jesus’ earthly ministry was based on that premise. We have numerous opportunities to serve the body of Christ, our community, and the whole world through prayer, hospitality, giving, and mission efforts.